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16 Foto Luar Biasa Tunjukan Keunikan dan Kekuatan Alam

16 Foto Luar Biasa Tunjukan Keunikan dan Kekuatan Alam Foto:

Dream - Alam menyimpan banyak rahasia besar. Tatkala menemukan sebagian rahasia itu, kita pasti terkejut dan takjub.

Di balik keindahanya, alam memag menyimpan banyak rahasia. Bunga atau hewan yang terlihat lucu, bisa jadi sangat mematikan.

Begitu juga dengan peristiwa alam yang secara kasat mata terlihat indah. Nyatanya, bisa menimbulkan kehancuran yang luar biasa.

So, enggak perlu berlama-lama. Berikut ini akan Dream lampirkan beberapa potret yang menunjukan betapa mengagumkannya planet kita.

Siap-siap dibuat kagum, ya!

Hewan Lebih Tua Dari Amerika

1. Hiu ini lebih tua dari negara Amerika

Rahasia Alam

2. Ngengat besar Attacus Atlas

Rahasia Alam

3. Pohon mazaik di California

Rahasia Alam

4. Eagle Ray


We must leave dark behind, to find the light, but it's in the dark we learn, wrong from right. I love eagles and I love eagle rays, one flys above, one flys below, something about their grace is just transfixing! Check out @mattdraperphotography who also has some great shots of these amazing creatures!

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Philip Thurston (@thurstonphoto) pada

5. Jamur biru ini tumbuh di cabang pohon yang mati

Rahasia Alam

Benih Kelopak Bunga Indah Mirip Tengkorak

6. Fenomena pohon Mahkota

Rahasia Alam

7. Badai bersama letusan gunung berapi


FRANCISCO NEGRONI, VOLCANOES AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. You can buy my photos in my webpage. Hoy se cumplen tres años desde la erupción del volcán Calbuco. Desde que comenzó esta pasión por fotografiar volcanes siempre tuve el sueño de lograr una buena imagen o parecida a las que ya habia tomado el año 2011 en la erupción del Cordón Caulle...pero nunca imaginé que esa noche despues de buscar y buscar un lugar y encuadre diferente encontraria algo más que eso...y es que esa noche estoy seguro que tome la mejor fotografía de una erupción y tormenta sucia jamás tomada. Siento que soy un privilegiado de haber visto lo que vi y de haberlo captado de la mejor manera posible. #CaptureDedication #chile #volcanoes #volcano #calbucovolcano #volcancalbuco #dirtystorm #volcanes #volcan #puertomontt #frutillar

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Francisco Negroni (@francisconegroni_fotografia) pada

8. Daun raksasa bunga lili air

Rahasia Alam

9. Benih snapdragon terlihat seperti tengkorak

Rahasia Alam

10. Seekor ikan gergaji.

Rahasia Alam

11. Bayi Naga Ouroboros

Rahasia Alam


Cantik Namun Mematikan

12. Mata salju

Rahasia Alam

13. Bulna, lava. dan meteor


The moon, Milky Way, lava and a a meteor... Yes, it’s real and it was he most amazing experience that I’ve ever had in my life. The heat of the lava, the skies twinkling above, and hearing nothing but the newest land on earth being created in front of me, it was all so beautiful. This moment was a bit special for me as i was beyond stressed in life and not in the best of places. Seeing and feeling Pele at work, but a peace in my heart and mind and allowed my worries to essentially vanish. It may seem weird to say, but after this moment, I had a whole new approach to life and to the people in it. I’m reposting my image of the Milky Way, Moon, lava and meteor with a bit more description to it this time. This image has been getting shared quite a bit again and of course there are a lot of people who are saying it’s not real. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it is 100% real and pretty much almost straight out of the camera. So, here’s how it was shot. ISO 2500, F2.8, 25”. The moon was a crescent moon and far enough from the Milky Way to not wash it out. Most of the lava in this image was cooling and not as bright as it appears in this image. The long exposure helped draw out the red glow. The meteor was just luck! It was a few things coming together at the right moment and a bit of luck that helped create this image. All I did in post was white balance correction, a small crop, and some dodging and burning. Now go ahead and repost the image with the story and credit :) #lava #kilauea #hawaii #volcano #milkyway #nikonusa #celebrateAloha #contest

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Mike Mezeul II (@mikemezphoto) pada 

14. Cantik, tapi mematikan

Rahasia Alam

15. Keindahan alam sebelum badai

Keindahan Alam

16. Galapagos iguana laut


Galapagos Marine Iguanas live on the edge and the difference between life and death is a few degrees of temperature. The world's only ocean going lizards graze on cold water seaweeds. Increases in sea temperature due to climate change have detrimental effects on marine iguana populations. No seaweed=No iguanas. If temperatures continue to warm these Galapagos icons could become the first to disappear. The world's leading scientists have just met at @darwinfound in the Galapagos to discuss how to safeguard and protect the island's unique fauna and flora from climate change. To find out more follow @darwinfound #climatechangegalapagos

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Thomas Peschak (@thomaspeschak) pada 


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